🇩🇿 Algerian Homemade Rechta (noodles)

Rechta is a type of noodles that is usually prepared in Algeria with meat or chicken cooked in a vegetable sauce. The sauce is perfumed with cinnamon flavor.

The vegetables are mainly zucchinis, parsnips added to chickpeas.

Rechta is prepared in major occasions such as Al Mawlid Annabawi ( celebration of prophet mohamed ‘s birthday), Ashura, Eid Al Fitr ( celebration of end of Ramadan), marriages, etc.

This is is my homemade Rechta recipe and there is nothing better than homemade.
To make the Rechta dough, mix semolina, flour and salt, then drizzle with water until the dough gets together. No need to knead the dough.
Cover the dough with plastic wrap and let rest on the counter for about 30 minutes.
Divide the dough into 3 pieces and roll the pieces out into large long strips or sheets with a rolling pin, then use the pasta machine.
Pass the pasta sheets in the pasta machine from the higher setting (large) to the lower setting ( very thin). You will obtain very thin pasta sheets.
Place the pasta sheets on a clean kitchen towel and let them dry from 15 to 20 minutes.
Pass the pasta sheets through the pasta machine in the part that makes thin noodles.
Make Rechta in small batches and steam it in small batches as well, to avoid stickiness.
Oil the top of a steamer and place the first batch of Rechta in to be steamed for 5 minutes or even less.
Dump the steamed Rechta in a large shallow dish and drizzle with about 1 tbsp olive oil, then separate the Rechta with hands.

Continue working with the other sheets of pasta to make Rechta. Repeat the operation of steaming the Rechta, then separate it with hands once steamed.

In this recipe, I didn’t add olive oil to the other steamed batch of Rechta, since I didn’t make much.
If you make a big amount of Rechta, make sure to add olive oil to it once steamed (as needed), as olive oil helps separate the Rechta (noodles).

Algerian homemade Rechta (noodles)

Cuisine Algerian
Keyword Rechta
Prep Time 1 hour 15 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 25 minutes
Servings 2


  • 3/4 cup fine semolina
  • 1/4 cup all purpose flour
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/2 water (more or less)
  • olive oil


  1. In a large bowl, mix semolina, flour and salt.

  2. Sprinkle water over the semolina mixture, little by little.

  3. Mix everything with your hand and stop adding water once the dough gets together. No need to knead the dough.

  4. Cover the dough with plastic wrap and let rest on the counter for about 30 minutes.

  5. Divide the dough into 3 pieces. You can do this step before letting the dough rest.

  6. Dust your working board with flour and roll out each piece of dough into thin long strip or sheet, using a rolling pin (you may need to cut the long strip into half to make the work easy).

  7. Pass each pasta sheet (slightly dusted with flour) in the pasta machine to get a thin sheet. You should set up your machine to the thickness close to that of your pasta sheets, then end up with the lowest setting to get the thinest sheet.

  8. Place your thinnest sheets on a clean kitchen towel and let them dry for about 15 to 20 minutes.

  9. Pass each pasta sheet in the part of the machine that makes thin noodles.

  10. Place a plate underneath to catch the noodles or the Rechta.

  11. Once you make about a plate of Rechta, start to steam it. Place the Rechta in the top of a steamer( the top of the steamer should be oiled with olive oil to avoid stickiness).

  12. Steam for about 5 minutes or less.

  13. Work on the other pasta sheets and make more Rechta.

  14. Steam the Rechta in small batches.

  15. Dump the steamed Rechta in a large shallow dish.

  16. Drizzle with about 1 tbsp olive oil and start separating the noodles with hands. You may not need to add olive oil for the second batch of Rechta.

  17. Once all the Rechta or noodles are separated, let cool then store in ziploc bags.

  18. Place the bags in the freezer for later use.

Recipe Notes

  • I have used 3 measurements of semolina and 1 measurement of flour in this recipe ( I measured with 1/4 cup). If you want to make a big amount of Rechta, just chose a bigger measurement.
  • In this recipe, I have used 2 measurements of water, but the amount of water depends on your semolina and flour.

5 Replies to “🇩🇿 Algerian Homemade Rechta (noodles)”

  1. Ca a l’air d’etre succulent , Allah yhafdek ana Maghribi et ce qu’il y a de bon c’est que l’on trouve tout dans les grandes surfaces alhamdoulilah koulshi moujoud hna en Grande-Bretagne je vous remercie beaucoup , Abdelhak

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